Key Objectives
Improving the Effectiveness of Capabilities in EU conflict prevention
Finding new solutions to respond the future security challenges and threats
The main goals of the IECEU -project are:
1) Analysing the current situation of on-going and past European Union CSDP missions and operations
2) Learning from lessons provided by these CSDP missions and assessing the different options
3) Providing new solutions, approaches and recommendations for EU to guarantee long-term stability through conflict prevention and peacebuilding
Improving the Effectiveness of Capabilities in EU conflict prevention
The key issue for the EU is how to improve its conflict response capabilities to create more lasting impact on the ground
The European Union (EU) is increasingly affected and challenged by geopolitical changes, increasing impact of conflict on civilians, globalized impact of local conflicts, technological developments and budgetary constraints challenges. The radicalization, the growing potential for individuals to create large security threats and transnational criminality further complicates the security landscape of EU missions. With global interconnections, the repercussions of outside conflict are also seen within the EU, and may lead to societal and security challenges within the EU.
Video from the Balkans CSDP round table, validating findings from EULEX Kosovo & EUFOR BIH research!
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